Blog tagged as Youth Development
Day 4 of Our Readathon Countdown
Author: MK Cares Team
Curated Reading Lists: 12 Articles Before 12PM
Check out these articles that inspire altruistic action and economic equality.
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You may want to read one or more during the Readathon!
Article 1:
“This ...
MK Cares Initiative Countdown: 12 Days to Go! Join the excitement for the Pets, Friends and Kin Readathon. Get ready to read, engage, and share the magic of reading with the world. Ride the wave of positive change! #BookishGoodness
Mallory K LLC's Chief Information Officer presents the first MK Cares Initiative of the year, the 2023 Pets, Kin and Friends 24-Hr Readathon. This fundraiser regenerates community, creating a new love for books and connection in digital and physical worlds.
Help us build 10,000 competent readers! Build on the inspiring vision of FBB to embrace opportunities for lifelong learning by reading this American-Dream dialogue-essay authored by Chelsea B, Chief Editor of the MK MediaVoice Blog. Follow her riddles and enhance your ability to think!
Mississippi's low literacy rates and education disparities, historically ranking as the nation's second-worst for fourth-grade reading in 2013, impact youth and communities. Family Biz Builder addresses these challenges, developing youth through diverse programs.