Blog tagged as Family Biz Builder
Mallory K LLC's Chief Information Officer presents the first MK Cares Initiative of the year, the 2023 Pets, Kin and Friends 24-Hr Readathon. This fundraiser regenerates community, creating a new love for books and connection in digital and physical worlds.
03.11.23 07:30 AM - Comment(s)
Help us build 10,000 competent readers! Build on the inspiring vision of FBB to embrace opportunities for lifelong learning by reading this American-Dream dialogue-essay authored by Chelsea B, Chief Editor of the MK MediaVoice Blog. Follow her riddles and enhance your ability to think!
09.10.23 08:00 PM - Comment(s)
Mississippi's low literacy rates and education disparities, historically ranking as the nation's second-worst for fourth-grade reading in 2013, impact youth and communities. Family Biz Builder addresses these challenges, developing youth through diverse programs.
27.09.23 07:17 AM - Comment(s)