8 Days to Go [Kinfolk Prizes] - GET READY for the Pets, Friends and Kin Readathon ROUND 1!

09.11.23 04:30 AM By Mallory K LLC

Day 5 of Our Readathon Countdown

Author: MK Cares Team

Kinfolk Prizes 

Hey wave-riders! 8 days until THE BIG event, and we want to give you a preview of the prizes you can win during the Readathon

We refer to our prizes as “Kinfolk” prizes. 


Great question!

"Folk" is a slang term for a group of people.

"Kin” corresponds to a relation. 

The word, kin, represents family, the "hood", “my people”, “my tribe”, “my squad”, "my crew", “my boys”, “my girls”, "brothahood", "sistahood," connections transcending blood-relations and genetics. Kinship is a common unity of friendship between other and opposites. 

It is rooted in the concept of “us, right here, this is ours, don't disrespect this”.

A “kin” is also a reflection of motion: a unit of space in time, a measure of heat and light

One turning of the Earth on its axis, around the sun, day and night, awake and asleep, 4D souls in 3D clothes, 1 human is the 5D electro-etheric, orbital frequency of 1 kin. 

Kinfolk prizes reflect our common, multidimensional ancestry, sourced from a Source. The unbroken bonds that bridge humanity, through one genome of Homo Sapiens, beyond skin-color, hair texture or vocal accents, divided by language, reunited as starseeds remembering the mission. 

Our species is evolving into a new form of human. 

This is the next “us”: 5D auric, silicon-crystalline, luminic-thermic radial beings. 

We are “us” from the future, clothed in skin, naked in spirit, colored by auras, fed by heat, radiating light. 


There are a total of 4 prizes that participants can win. 

*During Reader or Reader Family registration, ensure you check the Prize Recipient box so we know you want a prize. 

Prize Options

Gift 1: Family Allegiance Poem 

Gift 2: Family Portrait Doodle 

Gift 3: Spiritual DNA, Interstellar Ancestry Kit (digital-tools to decode your personal TFI and reprogram your internal algorithms) 

Gift 4: Family Seal/Logo (digital stamp)

*Upon meeting the criteria, winners will choose which of the 4 gifts they would like to receive. This information is communicated to the MK Cares Team via the Readathon Hub. 

Award Criteria: The Basics 

Prizes are awarded according to Completion Time, Communication Time, Distance-Sprinting and/or Mini-Challenge Mastery.

Completion Time = I/We are the first 3 people done with this task.

Communication Time = I/We have logged our minutes/hours into the Readathon Hub 

Distance-Sprinting = I/We are the first 3 people to complete a task during all 4 Reading Sprints

Mini-Challenge Mastery = I/We are the first 3 people to complete all 6 mini-challenges. 

*After registering as a Reader or Reader Family, you will receive a link to create a profile in the hub,. From here, you will be able to enter reading minutes/hours, task completions, interact with other readathon participants and view leaderboards

*In the case of a tie, the tie-breaker is determined by registration date, whoever registered to be an Individual Reader or Reader Family, first, is declared the winner. 

Award Criteria: The Mini-Challenge Tasks  

Mini-Challenge 0: Finish the Start 

Task: Complete 5 pages in your book or 1 news article in less than 5 minutes. 

*Books and articles can be physical or digital.

Mini-Challenge 1: Animal Companion Freeze-Tag  

Task: Share a photo on Instagram or Twitter of your reading buddy, whether it’s a furry pet, turtle or flying friend, take a snapshot and let it show! Include the following hashtags: #BookishGoodness, #PetsFriendsandKinReadathon, #MKCares, #MalloryK #MyPetandI

Mini-Challenge 2: Bookish Trivia 

Task: Read 1 page of the same book as another Readathon Reader. Ask the Reader a question about the book and receive an answer. Complete all of these activities in less than 2 minutes. 

Mini-Challenge 3: Shelfie Showcase

Task: Go live on TikTok, YouTube or Instagram for less than 2 minutes. Show the world your bookshelf. Tell your audience which book you plan to read next and why you are choosing to read it. 

Mini-Challenge 4: Reading Spot Roulette

Task: Go live on YouTube for 19 minutes during the High Noon Sprint or 12 minutes during the Sunset Sprint and show the world your biochromatic, time-switching moves.

Stay tuned for the next 7 days! 

Happy Reading!

Register HERE to Win as a Reader Family!

Register HERE to Win as an Individual Reader! 

Catch up on the countdown! Read Days 1 to 4 posts!

Ride the Wave

Mission of the MK Cares Initiatives 

Spotlight on 20 Authors

Curated Lists: 12 Articles 

Support one of our artists in the MK Creator's Market. Purchase some art or submit your own creations!

Mallory K LLC